
Showing posts from September, 2017
Yom Kippur 5778
This Panoramic Sukkah re-creates Jerusalem in your backyard By  Marcy Oster September 26, 2017 4:03pm 58 SHARES The interior view of a Panoramic Sukkah. (Courtesy of Eliyahu Alpern) JERUSALEM ( JTA ) — When it comes to  Sukkot , the weeklong festival in which Jews live and eat in temporary huts known as sukkahs, no place does it better than Jerusalem. City schools and plenty of workplaces close, and a festive spirit permeates the air. Many Jews around the world make a tradition of visiting Jerusalem to celebrate the holiday, which is also known as the Feast of Booths. Can’t make it to the Holy City? Fear not. Your sukkah can now transport you and your loved ones here. Well, sort of. The Panoramic Sukkah is a creation by Andy “Eliyahu” Alpern, a photographer specializing in 360-degree images. Thanks to his sukkahs, which consist of panoramic photos of famous places in Israel, celebrants can easily pretend that they are actually at notable Jerusalem sites such as th
Testing One